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SEBO FELIX Premium Upright Vacuum Cleaner - Rosso

Opinia użytkowników:
The Sebo Felix is a high quality vacuum that provides a cleaning experience that easily outperforms other mainstream brands. It is lightweight yet well put together, and is versatile enough to clean tile, hard wood, and carpet floors. It has a power head and a dusting brush, and is easy to use with the included hose. However, it does not come with a dust wand and the power cord is not included.
Ikona Porównaj produkty
The SEBO FELIX Premium Upright Vacuum Cleaner - Rosso is a versatile and powerful vacuum that combines the best of canister vacuums with an upright design. With its seven-year warranty, high-end motor, and S-Class filtration system, this low-profile vacuum is perfect for anyone looking to keep their home clean and healthy.
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Zawartość wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję
The Sebo Felix is a high quality vacuum that provides a cleaning experience that easily outperforms other mainstream brands. It is lightweight yet well put together, and is versatile enough to clean tile, hard wood, and carpet floors. It has a power head and a dusting brush, and is easy to use with the included hose. However, it does not come with a dust wand and the power cord is not included.


  • High-quality construction
  • Excellent cleaning performance
  • Versatile for various floors
  • Easy to handle
  • Quiet motor


  • Tips over when using hose
  • Doesn't pick up small debris
  • Limited suction on shag area rugs
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The SEBO FELIX Premium Upright Vacuum Cleaner - Rosso is a versatile and powerful vacuum that combines the best of canister vacuums with an upright design. With its seven-year warranty, high-end motor, and S-Class filtration system, this low-profile vacuum is perfect for anyone looking to keep their home clean and healthy.